SLJ Week 1 Activity 1

This week the first Summer Learning Journey activity lauched. The activity was created by rocket girl to show how we made our own science toolkit. The following items were pen, pencil, ruler, transparent plastic,a tube, string and cardboard.

I found this activity pretty hard because it was hard to find these following materials.

5 Perspectives | Reading

LI: To understand what types of perspective are used

This morning we have been learning about the different perspectives authors bring to a text. An example of a narrator’s perspective is first person. This is when the author uses words like I, me and we to describe the events.

I walked through the school gates. I was incredibly nervous to face my piers. I put one foot infront of the other and kept moving forward. Fortunatley there was nothing to worry about as I had a great day

I found this activity very educational because I was able to learn about 2 new perspectives.

Paper Airplane | Maths

LI: To design and make a paper plane that will fly the furthest.

Our team challenge was to make paper planes that could fly the furthest. We analysed our data of the paper air planes we flew. The planes we designed were the Dart, Tie fighter, Deltry, and the Bird. Our group designed multiple planes to verify which of the planes flew the best. The plane that went the furthest was the dart. Lastly we versed group by group and measured the flight distance accurately. 

I found this task fun because we got to make paper planes and also learn how to meausre at the same time. Something we could improve on with our plane is having a consistent plane distance. 

Film Festival 2022

Today we had the 2022 film festival where the Manaiakalani school cluster gather and watvch films made by schools.

My favourite film was made by Pt England. The reason why this was my favourite film is becuase its about the Nz Warriors and to stay faithful to your team. The other thing I like about this film is when they recreated walking out of the tunnel and on to the field at the Warriors homecoming game.

I enjoyed watching each schools films and the message that was given throughout the fillms.





Transport | Inquiry

LI: To identify the 4 different modes (types) of transport and their changes over time.

The 4 different modes of transport are air, land, sea and rail. We explored more about the types of transportation and how they have evolved over time to build an understanding of how humanity makes changes to vehicles like cars, boats, trains and planes.

An example of air, land, sea and rail based vehicles are planes, cars, boats, and trains

I found this task fun because I got to find interesting facts about trains and how they function.An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was before trains were eletric powered trains functions through high pressure steam. 


Family Tree

This week for our Te reo maori work. Ls2 made a family tree DLO which talk about our mum side (grandmother and granddad) and our dads side.

This activity was cool because people can know me.


Understanding Questions

LI: To understand the language of questioning

Today we reminded ourselves what questions were asking us to do with the information we had. It is important when you are answering questions about a text you have read that you know what information you need to look for to find the answer. We created a collaborative DLO to help other strengthen their connections to the language of questioning using an exemplar text from and our own questions. 


I found this activity knowledgeable because I got to learn how to get a good understanding of a question. 


Shillouette Art

LI: To learn how to use tone, blending and different brush strokes with paint. 

We have been learning how to incorporate tones, blending and brush strokes with our art using paint. We chose a bird that is endemic to New Zealand and researched five facts about them. We chose birds because the New Zealand bird of the year award is going to be announced soon on the 31st of October. We looked through different videos that taught us about the technique used in order to get a nice background.


I found this activity fun because I got to learn a varitey of different painting techniques 


Narrator Perspective

LI: To rewrite the story of Cinderella using a different narrative perspective.

We have been continuing our learning about the different perspectives authors bring to a text. Our challenge today was to change the fairy tale of Cinderella from third person omniscient to second person. 

Third person omniscient means the narrator is not a character but observed Second person means the story takes place from someone other than the main character’s perspective.

I found this activity interesting because I was able to rewrite a story into second person. 


Narrator Perspective

This morning we have been learning about the different perspectives authors bring to a text. An example of a narrator’s perspective is limited POV/ third person. This is when the author uses words like you, your, yourself to describe the events.  

What Is a Limited Point Of View?

A Limited point of view is when a narrator isn’t a character but knows a limited amount of fact on what is going on in a story or perspective. 


I found this activity knowledgeable because I got a good understanding of what the perspectives mean.